Statements of SEN
Some children with SEN have a Statement of Special Educational Needs, which:
- Describes what their learning difficulty is
- Sets out what has to be done to address their learning needs, and
- Sets targets for the child to work towards.

Every statement is reviewed regularly.
Families and relevant professionals, including social workers, occupational therapists, speech and language therapists, physiotherapists and, where appropriate, medical professionals are all invited to the review meeting.
As part of the meeting the child's progress against the targets contained in the statement is discussed and, if appropriate, new targets/objectives are set.
Now listen to this audio clip in which Brandon, a deputy head in a special school, explains how the pupil's voice is at the heart of person-centred review.
How might involving the child to the extent Brandon describes affect the targets that are set at the meeting? What are the implications for planning after the meeting?
Consider how far children in your school are involved in processes through which their targets are discussed and set
Could they have greater involvement?
Work with colleagues to review the involvement of children in target setting processes
in your school?
Are there areas where practice could be improved?
Make an action plan and discuss with senior staff and colleagues how this might be implemented.
Evaluate the impact of the changes you make in terms of:
- Children's motivation and self-esteem, and
- the appropriateness of targets set.