Effective planning for teaching and learning is essential to ensure that pupils make the best possible progress in the context of a broad and balanced curriculum.
NASUWT Model School Policy
on Planning Introduction
Short, medium and long-term plans relate to each other. Long and medium-term plans
ensure coverage of the curriculum over time, while short-term plans include details
of what and how children will learn in a single lesson or learning experience.
In a mainstream school, groups of children may have the same learning outcome. However,
children with SLD, PMLD or CLDD are likely to have personalised learning outcomes.
Planning for a diverse range of pupils
Managing the learning environment1:11
Working with other professionals1:06
Listen to Jo, a special school teacher, talking about how she manages her classroom to meet the needs of the pupils in her class. Identify how she plans for the pupils in her care and what she needs to take into account to enable her pupils to make the best possible progress.

Jo needs to plan:
- The support that each pupil needs from other adults that work in the class for their medical needs, their personal care and their learning
- The learning environment so children can learn effectively and so that they can be as independent as possible, and
- The involvement of other professionals that work with individual children and how to integrate advice from such professionals into the daily routine.

Have a look at these examples of plans for classes on the topic of colour.
Look at this 'Route Map' which illustrates the wide range of different levels which may need to be considered when planning for pupils with learning difficulties.
The image on this screen shows how Jo puts this into practice for her class.

Now have a look at Jo's planning for the class topic of 'Colour'. You don't need to look at the detail but notice:
- In Planning colour (1) – the range of activities planned to help children to meet the learning outcomes and the level of those outcomes (P-levels are below level 1 of the national curriculum), and
- In Planning colour (2) – the individual outcomes for each child.