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Teaching children with ASD
A boy, his teacher and a puppet

Pedagogy for children with Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD) can vary between schools. There are several different approaches to planning an appropriate curriculum for children with ASD.

Recent research by The Schools Network into children with complex learning disabilities and difficulties has resulted in a wealth of information and resources being available to professionals via their website.

Reference to such information can inform classroom practice taking place in classrooms and enable professionals to plan more effectively to meet the needs of this population of learners.

A compensatory approach
A boy and a teacher interacting
                  using a toy

Many approaches have as their central premise the notion that an ASD is a lifelong developmental condition and so focus on a compensatory approach, which builds on the strengths of children with ASD, i.e. responding well to routine, structure and predictability.

Well known approaches are TEACCH and ABA, in which structure and routine are reinforced by use of symbols and other visual supports such as timetables.

These are discussed below.

Planning to meet the needs of children with ASD
Three adults and three children
                  play with leaves

Read the briefing sheets on ASD below .


Autism briefing sheet


Autism classroom support sheet


Autism information sheet


Think about what the implications would be for a teacher planning to meet the needs of a class of children, many of whom have a diagnosis of autism.

Find out more
opened book

Have a look at these websites and see what the current thinking is towards educational approaches for children with ASD.


Schools Network