TEACCH is an approach devised by Mesibov and Schopler. It is a structured teaching approach and, unlike REACh, works to the strengths of the child with ASD.
The approach has been successfully implemented within schools in the UK as well as internationally.
It has an extremely well-researched base.
Visit the TEACCH website.
Reducing anxiety in children with ASD
Video 14:35In this video, children with ASD complete supervised and independent work boxes and refer to a visual timetable in the transition between activities.
Video 21:34Watch the head of the Intensive Support Centre explain how a predictable structure helps reduce anxiety for pupils with ASD.

Compare and contrast TEACCH and REACh.
What accommodations are required to plan for the implementation of either approach
in relation to
the following?
- Whole school organisation
- Management of adults
- Long-term pupil outcomes
- Schemes of work
- Planning individual tasks
Research in more detail different approaches to teaching children with ASD.
Lead a staff meeting explaining the different approaches.
With staff in your school review your policy on teaching pupils with ASD. Update policy
documents to ensure that they make clear the school's philosophy and approaches for
teaching children with ASD.
Audit staff training needs in relation to working with children with ASD and liaise
with senior staff to discuss how these training needs might be met.

Mesibov, G.B. (1996) A Comprehensive Program for Serving people with Autism and their families: The TEACCH model. In TEACCH. Project Autism. Induction Course to the Treatment and Education of Autistic and Related Handicapped Children. Northampton: Northants LEA.
Peters, B. and Forlin, C. (2011) Informing educational decisions in the early years: can evidence for
improving pedagogy for children with autistic spectrum disorders be found from neuroscience?
British Journal of Special Education, p135-142,
Vol 38, Number 3.