Careful planning to meet the needs of children with learning difficulties is crucial.
Watch as the camera takes a 'learning walk' around the Key Stage 3 department of a
special school.
As you go on the walk, look for evidence of daily and termly planning for the whole
class and individual pupils.
Compare your observations with this list on the following screens.

In a special school, planning for the delivery of a broad, balanced and relevant curriculum needs to take into account:
- The physical environment
- The needs of the pupils
- Staffing, and
- Resources.

Evidence of planning can be seen in a topic approach, evident in:
- The alien themed art work throughout the key stage
- The display board showing work related to the woods.
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Evidence of planning can be seen in planned behaviour strategies, evident in the:
- Behaviour chart for one pupil displayed in the hall
- 'Olympic Values' reward board in the hall, and
- Rules displayed in the corridor and signed by all pupils in the key stage.
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Evidence of planning can be seen in planned adaptations of pupils with sensory impairments, evident in:
- Colour band running around the hall for pupils with limited vision
- Objects of reference attached to the display board showing properties of the Earth.
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Evidence of planning can also be seen in the:
- Displayed timetables for individuals and the whole class
- 'Assessment for Learning' chart displayed, and
- Emotions board.
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