The importance of planning
Watch these two videos of a 'learning walk' around a special school. As you watch, look for evidence of planning on a daily and termly basis for whole classes and individual pupils.Try to pick out evidence of long, medium and short-term planning.
Learning walk – KS33:46
Learning walk – Sixth form2:08

The following slides contain photos taken in classrooms across the school. The first still demonstrates the teacher communicating to her team what the individual pupil targets are for the following half term.

This photo demonstrates the impact of planning for individual pupils on the delivery of the curriculum. Notice the Learning Outcomes for individual pupils displayed and the weekly and daily timetables.

This photo contains a breakdown of individual targets for pupils. The teacher has also indicated where these targets relate to class goals or to individual pupil targets agreed with parents at the pupils Annual Review of their statement.

Notice on this KS3 Timetable that apart from Fridays the teacher has planned for at least one daily session of PSHE or Social Skills.
This is because children with LDD often need explicit teaching of these skills which develop more naturally in typically developing pupils. Understanding and facilitating this has had a significant impact on planning across the week in this particular school.