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Values that underpin interventions
A teacher helps a young girl to
                  identify herself from a picture held at eye level. Taken from the teacher's point
                  of view

When working with children with complex needs, it is important to be mindful of the rights and responsibilities of the children and your own rights and responsibilities as a member of staff.

Those in your care should be:

  • Treated with respect, understanding and dignity through quality care delivered at an individual level
  • Treated fairly, openly and honestly, kept safe by being informed and involved and provided with appropriate boundaries and limits, and
  • Appreciated for their worth, recognising their humanity with empathy and compassion through high levels of support that offer fairness and firmness where necessary.
A parent's view

Think of your own child or a child of a close friend or relative. What words or expressions best describe how you would like to see them treated by the staff in their school or early years setting?

Click here to reveal some suggestions drawn from previous participants (in no particular order).

The school staff view

Now think of yourself as a member of staff in a school or early years setting, what words or expressions would best describe what you consider to be your rights and responsibilities.

As a member of staff in a school or early years setting. What words or expressions would best describe what you consider to be your rights and responsibilities?

Similarities and differences
Two teachers and four pupils enjoy themselves
                  whilst holding hands in the gym

Consider the differences and similarities between your two lists.

There will be some differences but there are also likely to be some similarities.

These similarities are often around the need for adults and children to feel safe and secure.