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Engagement in action

Watch this video clip of a group of students. You may have to watch it more than once.

How did the different students show their engagement?

What examples of the continuum of engagement did you spot?
  • Poster
What engagement brings

The extent of the engagement with learning is a very important factor for all children's educational success. Children with CLDD also learn through engagement. Read the following quotations, and note the three major key messages arising from the quotations.

For students with disabilities, research has suggested that engaged behaviour is the single best predictor of successful learning.
Iovannone et al, 2003
Without engagement, there is no deep learning, effective teaching, meaningful outcome, real attainment or quality progress
Carpenter, 2010
Engagement is...a multidimensional construct influenced by many variables that interact in complex ways to influence intervention outcomes for children
Keen, 2009
Key messages
Class singing in playground

The most important understanding you should take from this package is that engagement:

  • Is the single best predictor of successful learning;
  • Promotes deep, quality learning and effective teaching;
  • Is a multidimensional construct.
Find out more

Keen, D (2009) Engagement of children with autism in learning, Australasian Journal of Special Education, 33 (2), 130-140.

Carpenter, B (2010) Curriculum reconciliation and children with complex learning difficulties and disabilities London: SSAT.

Iovannone, R, Dunlap, G, Huber, H. and Kincaid, D. (2003) Effective educational practices for students with autism spectrum disorders, Focus on Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities, 2003, 18; 150-165.