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Creating effective engagement (1)
A visually impaired pupil with her teacher

A focus on engagement can underpin a process of personalised inquiry through which the educator can develop effective learning experiences. Using evidence-based knowledge of a child's successful learning pathways, strategies can be identified, high expectations set, and incremental progress recorded on their journey towards optimal engagement in learning. Their engagement will be the benchmark for assessing whether we have achieved this goal.

Carpenter, 2010.

Creating effective engagement (2)
A visually impaired pupil with her teacher

Engagement is... a multidimensional construct influenced by many variables that interact in complex ways to influence intervention outcomes for children.

Keen, 2009.

Katie's story

In this clip, Katie's teacher is helping her to develop her communication skills.

  • Having watched the video, in what ways does Katie engage with the materials presented?
  • What ideas would you have for improving the presentation of this session?

  • Poster
Find out more
Open book

Carpenter, B. et al (2011) Having new eyes: engaging children and young people with complex learning difficulties and disabilities in learning, PMLD Link, 23 (2), 69, 4-6.

Keen, D. (2009). Engagement of Children with Autism in Learning. Australasian Journal of Special Education.