impact of the Quality of Life model
Incorporating the Quality of Life model into a school has a number of implications. It affects:
- The way that children's services join up to the school.
- Social models of disability.
- Inclusion.
- Child's Quality of Life assessment.
- Family.
policy that has impact
As a school, how might you develop policy and practice in the following areas:
- Focus on joined up working with children's services.
- Focus on the social model of disability.
- Promote inclusion.
- Assess each child's Quality of Life as opposed to their progress on the National Curriculum.
- Focus on working with each family.
Find out more
Cummins, R. (2005) Moving from the quality of life concept to a theory, Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 49.10, 699-706.
Turnbull, R., Turnbull, A., Wehmeyer, M. and Park, J. ( 2003) A Quality of Life Framework for Special Education Outcomes, Remedial and Special Education 24(2), 67-74.