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What is anxiety?
A teacher comforts and reasons with a
                  distressed teenage boy
How can you tell if someone is anxious?


What do you think anxiety is?


Click for the answer


In distress: Niamh

Children showing possible distress need a calm and considered response. Notice how Niamh's teacher and teaching assistant work together in a calm, considered and planned way to support and help Niamh.

  • Poster
Symptoms of anxiety
A female teacher comforts a distressed
                  young boy on her lap

Think of a time when you were anxious. What were the symptoms of your anxiety? You will have experienced a number of the following symptoms:

  • Dry mouth;
  • Feeling shaky;
  • Sweating;
  • A fast heartbeat;
  • A tense body;
  • Fast breathing;
  • Feelings of dizziness; and/or
  • Difficulty sleeping and/or relaxing.

Think about how these powerful symptoms might affect a child.

Anxiety in children

Think of a child that you know who has been anxious. Ask yourself the following questions:

  • How do they communicate anxiety to you and others?
  • What exacerbates their feelings?
  • What do you think you can do to support them?
  • To what extent can you work effectively with parents and carers to reduce and alleviate some or all of these symptoms?
  • Do you think that the current systems in your school identifies anxiety in children effectively?
  • Ask your colleagues or other parents and find out if there is any consensus around this topic.

It is sometimes difficult to put yourself in the shoes of a child with complex needs. This resource will enable you to do just that.