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The aim
A large multidisciplinary team
                  meets with the child in their care

This resource encourages us to consider the contribution that school based staff can make to the diagnosis of mental health difficulties in young people.


Vitally, school based staff can only make a valid contribution to the process when multidisciplinary
working is effective.

Evidence of good multidisciplinary team working (1)
A small multidisciplinary team discusses
                  future strategy

For effective service delivery, it is essential that a full multidisciplinary team is in place and is operating appropriately.


There should be clear boundaries and clear levels of communication across all disciplines,
with good leadership.

Evidence of good multidisciplinary team working (2)

Despite the increased interest in this field, relatively few well designed studies are available on the prevalence of mental health difficulties in the population.

People with intellectual disability have been the focus of recent major national policy developments...but with little research evidence to inform these developments.

Cooper, 2007

In recent years, there has been a shift in our thinking from the purely biological paradigm (disease model of understanding) to a more bio-psycho-social paradigm (IASSID; MH-SIRG).


Take a look at the following diagram to get a better understanding of the biological, developmental, psychological and social interrelationships.

High Risk





Different genetic syndromes, Impariment of brain function, Physical Illnesses, Susceptibility to mental illness, Severe and complex epilepsy, Sensory and
physical impairments

Psychological, sexual and physical abuse, Lack of meaningful oportunities, Negative life experiences, No engagement in day to day activities, Denial of individual needs, Atmosphere of blame, High levels of cerer stress, Gender, race, ethnic and
other discrimination

Cognitive strengths and weaknesses, Other neuropsychological impairments, Reinforcement of maladaptive behaviours, Impaired language development, Poor self-esteem, Peceived lack of emotional support, Impact of adverse life events

What is the teacher's role?
A large multidisciplinary team
                  meets with the child in their care

Read the following case study on Brian and answer the questions at the foot of the document.


Many of the questions are for members of the multidisciplinary team – however, teachers are an essential part of this team.


Discuss the role of the teacher in this process with your colleagues.