How do we make physical education an everyday part of a child's life?
Physical curriculum covers the development of:
- Eye/hand co-ordination and fine motor control;
- Posture;
- Spatial awareness; and
- Orientation and movement.
(Aird, 2001)
Dividing the curriculum into these four parts is a useful exercise. It ensures that all parts of the physical curriculum are covered.
These elements should not be carried out in isolation and minimal direct support
should be offered with the activity. For example, with painting, hand over hand support
might see a teacher doing a lot of the activity for a child. This should be avoided
as it will encourage dependence
and helplessness.

It is the exploration and the physical practice that is key. A teacher's skill lies in the ability to make that exploration exciting to each and every individual.
Let's look at art as a case in point. Children should be allowed to explore art materials (paint, clay, fabrics, leaves, plastics, etc.).
Remember, it is not the production of an artistic work that is important but their experience of the activity. They need to be able to grasp, manipulate, feel and taste.

Switch work motivates children and helps them to develop fine motor movements.
An ISE was developed for adults with PMLD. However, the principles apply whatever the age (Bunning, 1996).
Its aim is to reduce the level of non-purposeful engagement (stereotypical actions, self injury and neutral behaviour) and increase the levels of purposeful interaction with people and objects.
The results showed an increase in purposeful interactions and a reduction in non-purposeful engagement after ISE.

Aird, R. (2001) The Education and Care of Children with Profound and Multiple Learning Difficulties, London: David Fulton.
Bunning, K. (1996) Development of an 'Individualised Sensory Environment' for Adults with Learning Disabilities and an Evaluation of its Effects on their Interactive Behaviours, unpublished thesis, London: City University.
Bunning, K. (1998) To engage or not to engage? Affecting the interactions of Learning Disabled adults, International Language and Communication Disorders, 33; 386-391.
Mayston, M. (2000) The Bobath Concept Today, talk given at the CSP Congress, accessed at www.bobath.org.uk/concepttoday.php on 20 August, 2011.
St. Margaret's School (2009) The Profound Education Curriculum, Tadworth: Profound Education.