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Art is accessible
A Pollock-esque oil painting by
                  a child with SLD

There is suprisingly little written on teaching art to pupils with SLD, perhaps because the assumption has always been that it is such an accessible subject.

In many ways this is true, as it is so open to free self expression, that pupils of all abilities should succeed equally well.

Art and the SLD child
A young boy painting

In this useful publication, the QCA gives guidance on planning, teaching and assessing the curriculum for pupils with learning difficulties in art and design (QCA, 2009).

This is an interesting document that teachers will wish to refer to and is a sound basis from which to work. Teachers will be able to ensure progression by reducing direction and encouraging the formation of ideas and thought beyond the conventional.

Enabling access to art
A young girl paints with her teacher

Melanie Peter has written two chapters on art in the revised edition of Enabling Access (Peter, 1996, 2001), and the Priory Woods School website is also worth exploring.

There is also a resource pack entitled Understanding the Arts/Creativity which has been produced by Equals.

Find out more

Peter, M. (1996) Art, in: Carpenter, B., Ashdown, R. and Bovair, K. (eds), Enabling Access: Effective Teaching and Learning for Pupils with Learning Difficulties, London: David Fulton.

Peter, M. (2001) Art, in: Carpenter, B., Ashdown, R. and Bovair, K. (eds), Enabling Access: Effective Teaching and Learning for Pupils with Learning Difficulties, Revised Edition, London:
David Fulton.

QCA (2009) Planning, teaching and assessing the curriculum for pupils with learning difficulties: Art and design, London: Qualification and Curriculum Authority.