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Embedding individual targets into the curriculum (1)
A girl and her teacher witha puppet

In special schools, most or all of the pupils have statements of SEN. This means that every child will have individual targets, arising from the statement.

It is the class teacher's responsibility to ensure that these targets are addressed in everyday teaching and learning, to monitor progress and to note when they have been achieved.

These targets are sometimes referred to as being in a child's Individual Education Plan (IEP).

Embedding individual targets into the curriculum (2)
A girl and her teacher with a puppet

Targets arising from a child's statement will often be additional to their curriculum targets, being concerned with, for example, communication, behaviour or motor control.

These targets need to be incorporated into everyday planning as well as reporting and recording systems.

Targets and review

Look at these examples of Jane's half-termly targets and her review summary.

Which professionals do you think contributed to Jane's targets? How can you tell their advice has been incorporated into Jane's planning?

Note how the individual targets arising from Jane's statement have been incorporated with other targets.

Some suggestions