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The importance
of planning
A school's sensory garden

The role of planning in meeting the needs of children with learning difficulties is critical. All staff need to be aware of what they are doing and how this impacts on the pupils' progress for the future.

Planning on a daily and termly basis both for whole classes and individual pupils enables all adults to be informed and involved in meeting the needs of the pupils most effectively.

A tour of a special school

  • Key Stage 3
  • Key Stage 4

Watch these two videos of a walk through a
special school.

What evidence do you see of how teachers plan to meet the needs of their pupils? Pick out evidence of long, medium and short-term planning.

Focusing on
whole-school planning
A school's sensory garden

How does a headteacher prioritise to meet the needs of all of the pupils in the school? In the clips on the next screen, a headteacher identifies the impact on planning in both the long and short term given the environmental and budgetary restrictions she has to take into account.

She therefore needs to prioritise with her Senior Leadership Team the areas for development planning for a cycle of improvements and change that can be maintained to improve the outcomes for Children and Young people with LDD.

Budget, environment and curriculum

What areas does the headteacher identify that need to be taken into consideration?

How does she overcome the difficulties she identifies?



  • Budgetary constraints
  • Personalised planning