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Timely and appropriate intervention

Getting the right education for children/young people with special educational needs/disabilities is a matter of recognising individual needs and providing timely and appropriate responses.

Whether this is provided within a special school or through inclusion in a mainstream setting, or a combination of both, should be determined by the needs and wishes of each child/young person and their family, not a presumption based on their ‘category’ of disability.

On the next slide, Harvey's dad Simon talks about the diagnosis and treatment of his son's deafness.

Although Harvey is now 14 years old and a diagnosis of his deafness was made early, his family still finds that educational support for hearing and language has been disappointing. In other words, although early identification is important, so is a timely and appropriate response.

Early intervention

  • Simon talks about Harvey's diagnosis
  • Simon talks about school provision for Harvey's needs
Making progress
In this video, we see part of a review concerning Sophia, who has a split placement, spending some time in a special school and some in a mainstream school.

Note how much Sophia has achieved intellectually and socially.
  • Review
                  meeting 1 (Sophia) - presentation from class teacher at her special school placement
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