1. The context of specialist teaching

This group of modules provides a general overview of severe learning difficulties (SLD), profound and multiple learning difficulties (PMLD), and complex learning difficulties and disabilities (CLDD). It clearly defines each of these areas in the wider context of child development and legislation. The examples and case studies detail the challenges presented by learning difficulties and disabilities, and explain how these impact upon learning.

1.1 Understanding the child: development and difficulties

Last updated: 30/03/12

This module details the learning needs of children and young people with severe, profound and complex learning difficulties. It provides insight into their physical, communication, cognitive, social and emotional development, supported by works from key educational thinkers. Teachers need to be able to identify and use the differences in these learners' development trajectories to provide a relevant, achievable and sustainable education experience. Teaching that does not properly consider their development can lead to pupils becoming disengaged, not only as learners, but also socially and emotionally from people and life experiences.

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1.2 The legislative context - Edition 2

Last updated: 22/03/16

This module looks at the legal framework for SEN and disability in England and how it relates to the educational experience of children with severe, profound and complex learning difficulties and their teachers. It uses case studies to identify how rules (what we do) are supported by procedures (how to do it). The module provides insight into the different levels of legal status that apply for different areas of guidance. It looks at the current issues and debates around legislation and accountability for this group of learners and how this relates to the overall development of the school.

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1.3 Talking to families; listening to families

Last updated: 30/03/12

In this module, we look at the support structures that the families of children with severe, profound and complex learning difficulties need from the time of diagnosis. The family is a child's first educator, and the home environment is fundamental to their development through education to adulthood. Building effective school–family partnerships can benefit educational staff, the family, and ultimately the child. This module focuses on collaborative approaches that can strengthen and empower modern families, including those often marginalised or considered 'hard to reach'.

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1.4 Quality of life

Last updated: 30/03/12

This module focuses on understanding how the quality of life for children and young people with severe, profound and complex learning difficulties and disabilities can be enhanced. With its impact on their social and emotional wellbeing, this is fundamental to their positive experience of school and wider life. In this module you will consider how having a child with learning difficulties in the family will impact on the family as a whole and the quality of life of the child.

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2. Specialist teaching strategies

Modules in this group provide specialist teachers with a clear process for strategic pedagogy and intervention. This incorporates training in quality of life, understanding the needs of children within the context of their families, and the multi-agency planning that is required to meet the needs of pupils. In particular, these modules look at how promoting quality of life empowers children with severe, profound and complex learning difficulties to communicate their needs. Such a focus reinforces the importance of the different agencies – including health, social, housing and voluntary services – working effectively in cooperation with teachers.

2.1 Planning to meet the needs of children and young people with learning difficulties

Last updated: 30/03/12

Effective planning in schools requires specialist knowledge, an understanding of context and current thinking, good management of resources, and clear direction. This module looks at how to plan for teaching children and young people with severe, profound and complex learning difficulties, from whole-school strategy and policy through to delivering a meaningful curriculum for individual learners. It reviews the effectiveness of specialist approaches at each level in light of current thinking and policy, and examines the planning implications for resourcing and delivering learning experiences. In completing the module, you can explore your involvement in the planning process and how you can make a difference.

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2.2 Considering communication and interaction

Last updated: 30/03/12

This module explores the different ways to help develop the communication skills of children and young people with severe, profound and complex learning difficulties. It looks at the skills needed for conversation and interaction within social groups, and examines theories and patterns of communication, offering practical guidance on supporting children throughout their development as communicators. This module also provides insight into the strategies for creating an appropriate environment to encourage communication, and structuring opportunities for focused language work.

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2.3 The Curriculum Challenge

Last updated: 30/03/12

There have always been professional and political tensions between the education of children and young people with severe, profound and complex learning difficulties, and the underlying bias of different curricula. This module reviews the different approaches of a range of curricula, focusing on specific curriculum areas and examining the relevance to these learners. It gives insight into how the curriculum needs to provide these learners with a meaningful educational experience in which their achievements are recognised, so they can build on them and progress.

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2.4 Assessment, monitoring and evaluation

Last updated: 30/03/12

This module explores formative and summative assessment for children and young people with severe, profound and complex learning difficulties. This needs to be sensitive enough to identify and recognise all of the continuing progress that these students make, and applies across all development areas. This module focuses on language and communication skills, showcasing some specific assessment tools. It addresses the setting of coherent learning objectives, and the importance of mapping short-term targets within medium- and long-term goals.

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3. Specialist teaching procedure

This group of modules provides you with a collection of lessons in good practice, supporting the formulation of effective teaching and intervention strategies. Featured within these modules is guidance on a variety of topics, including communication strategies, promoting emotional wellbeing and positive behaviour, personal care and safeguarding. These are illustrated using a range of examples, case studies, videos and school-based activities. Included in this are examples of positive relationships between teachers, young people and their families, highlighting particular instances of good practice with regard to safeguarding.

3.1 Communication: augmentative and assistive strategies

Last updated: 30/03/12

This module focuses on the interventions that you may use to enable children and young people with severe, profound and multiple learning disabilities to communicate more effectively. It includes some unconventional means of communication, together with the use of supportive technologies. Without a formal means of communication, it is difficult for these learners to engage with their environment – whether in school, at home or in their wider community – without an interpreting adult who knows them well. This module sets out the range of strategies that are available to develop effective communication, guides you through the assessment process, and suggests ways to provide a supportive school environment.

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3.2 Engaging in learning: key approaches

Last updated: 30/03/12

This module provides knowledge and understanding of how to enhance students' engagement and learning. It focuses on developing and refining your observations relating to engagement, using specialised assessment tools. This will help you to effectively identify and describe patterns of student engagement and disengagement. The module looks at how students' engagement is affected by factors such as environment or activity presentation, and how these can be modified to support engagement. It will help you to refine your educational planning to take account of integrating engagement, motivation, and consideration of the learning environment.

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3.3 Promoting positive behaviour/maintaining positive relationships

Last updated: 30/03/12

In this module, we focus on the behavioural and emotional problems experienced by many children and young people with severe, profound and complex learning difficulties. In particular, the module gives insight into how emotional and behavioural difficulties can be the child's way to communicate and signal their emotional distress. It looks at how promoting and maintaining positive behaviour empowers the child through developing new skills such as making choices, and how this builds towards self-determination.

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3.4 Emotional wellbeing and mental health

Last updated: 30/03/12

This module explores strategies for supporting learners' emotional wellbeing and building resilience within school. Emotional wellbeing has an important impact on how children and young people with severe, profound and complex learning disabilities socialise and learn. Brain scans suggest that anxiety and stress reduce the neural pathways available for new learning. Research has shown that these children have an increased risk of requiring help with mental health issues. This module details how to use professional support services and describes the signs and risk factors that may alert you to a student's mental ill health. It draws distinctions between mental health problems, disorders and illness, and explains the preventative strategies for supporting learners' emotional wellbeing.

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4. Collaboration and leadership

The purpose of this group is to enhance your collaboration and leadership skills as a specialist teacher. These modules will help you form an understanding of your role in working with multiple stakeholders, emphasising the essential nature of interpersonal relationships for effective planning and delivery of interventions. We look at how factors such as these enhance your personal and professional development, and the development of those around you. The modules include coaching models as examples of how to support staff and team development.

4.1 Working with other professionals

Last updated: 30/03/12

Children and young people with severe, profound and complex learning difficulties have a wide range of support needs and they therefore receive services from a variety of professions. This module identifies issues, roles and responsibilities in relation to establishing, developing and maintaining relationships with families and other professionals. This enables the provision of support of children with complex learning difficulties and disabilities and their families. The module covers the roles of other professional groups and the different regulations and frameworks that govern their practice.

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4.2 Safeguarding: privacy, dignity and personal care

Last updated: 30/03/12

Children and young people with severe, profound and complex learning difficulties often have increased support needs and requirements for personal care. This module explores this and promotes the values of understanding their daily life experiences, determining their wishes and feelings, and listening to them. Educational provision for these learners must recognise their needs and ensure they are met in a way that ensures their privacy and dignity. This module explains how education staff can create an ethos that values working collaboratively with others for the benefit of children and young people.

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4.3 Insights from neuroscience

Last updated: 30/03/12

This module presents recent developments within the field of neuroscience and looks at how these relate to the way children learn. It examines why children with severe, profound and complex learning difficulties may experience neurological difficulties and how you can help them in the way you teach. This module should help you gain an understanding of the child through learning about the brain's biology and function, and realise that overlapping patterns of strengths and difficulties are the rule rather than the exception. Insights from neuroscience demonstrate why supporting the pupil in the classroom requires a personalised and holistic approach.

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4.4 Developing inquiry-based practice

Last updated: 30/03/12

In this module, we look at the additional, personalised interventions that are required in the education of children and young people with severe, profound and complex learning difficulties. It is important that ideas about the success of such interventions are based on systematically collected evidence, rather than anecdote. This module presents accessible school-based inquiry, enabling you to systematically and deductively evaluate the effectiveness of interventions with learners, and base your educational decisions on strong evidence.

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