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Understanding needs and rights
oung boy in protective headgear smiling
                  with teacher/assistant

Children/young people with severe learning difficulties, profound and multiple learning difficulties, and complex learning difficulties and disabilities have rights to have their needs met. In order to meet a child's/young person’s needs the following elements are required:

  • A clear idea of what those needs are;
  • A plan for meeting the needs;
  • Resources (equipment and expertise).

Meeting them needs organisation, funding and regulation. The first four slides of this module introduce situations which depend on legislation to achieve the desired outcomes for
children/young people.

Education, Health and Care

Local authority maintained schools have a budget to provide ‘special educational needs support’ for pupils up to a certain cost.

A pupil with more complex educational and other needs may need additional money to support them. In this case, the local authority may issue an Education, Health and Care (EHC) Plan which allows further resources and funding to help the pupil progress.

The primary legislation regulating EHC Plans is the Children and Families Act 2014.

To find out more, watch these young people describing EHC Plans.

A range of issues

In this video, Marley’s parents are discussing his progress at a meeting to review his special educational needs and provision. Consider the range of issues that Marley and his parents and the professionals they interact with might face.

Understanding the basis of the rights of Marley and his family, the source of the procedures to realise those rights, and the duties of the people around them is important in order to meet their needs.

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