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Neurological conditions
The human brain.

Neurological conditions are caused by non-typical development of the brain, the spinal cord or the nervous system.

Conditions of the brain can be caused either by brain damage or abnormalities in the brain.

Common neurological conditions
Boy playing with toy car.

Common neurological conditions include:

  • Autism
  • Some behavioural difficulties such as ADHD
  • Cerebral palsy
  • Dyslexia, and
  • Epilepsy.

Children with these difficulties are found in mainstream and special schools.

Levels B, C and D of this module explore some of these in more detail.

More than one condition
Teacher oversees two pupils studying.

Children can often be diagnosed as having more than one condition. Therefore each child is different and their needs can be complex.

Diagnosing developmental conditions
Teacher leads a group discussion.

As yet, there is no medical test for most developmental conditions, so diagnosis depends on observing and analysing children's behaviour. It works best for children when teachers, parents and professionals work together to plan a personalised approach to meeting their needs.