Many children with severe, profound or complex learning disabilities require support and help with their personal care needs throughout their time in school.
Educational provision for these pupils therefore has to recognise these needs and ensure that they are met in such a way that ensures the privacy and dignity of the pupils while safeguarding both the children involved and those who provide their care.
A range of needs
As you watch consider the ways in which these children might need physical and medical care.
Pupils with SLD in choosing time01:00
Some aspects of personal care03:00

Also have a look at these two documents:
![A boy reads a comic with his teacher]](img/m14p010a/abettridge_0365_1.jpg)
These children may have increased needs for support with personal care because:
- Developmentally they are functioning at a much lower level than their chronological age.
- They have additional physical and medical needs requiring daily support.
- They have no inhibitions because of their developmental age or specific disability.

Some pupils may make progress to independence in personal care through their school
life, while for others independence is not a realistic goal. In either case personal
care must be incorporated into the daily learning experiences
of the child.
For those with very high care needs the quality of provision in this area may be the most important aspect of their daily quality of life.