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Individual learning styles (1)

Children need to be taught in ways that match their individual learning styles by educators who recognise their abilities and potential for engagement in learning.

Read the following statements, and identify the three common messages they give relating to engagement in learning for ALL children.

Engagement is sustained attention to an activity or person.

National Research Council

Individual learning styles (2)

...student engagement represents both the time and energy students invest in educationally purposeful activities, and the effort institutions devote to using effective educational practices.

Kuh et al, 2008

Engagement is the connection between the student and their learning outcome. Students cannot create that connection for themselves; it is educators, families and colleagues who must construct it with and for them.

Carpenter et al, 2011

Emotional engagement
Girl laughing.

Although often measured as time spent on task, academic engagement is conceptualised as a broader construct that refers to 'the intensity and emotional quality of children's involvement in initiating and carrying out learning activities'

Skinner & Belmont, 1993

From your reading of the statements above, write down a definition of engagement that contains the key messages.

Read the article The Rules of Engagement and write a critical review of it.

Based on the previous two activities, write a position statement for your governing body which will convince governors that engagement is the central platform to student progress.