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Understanding each child's condition
A young girl and her teacher smile at someone
                  off camera

The first step towards personalised learning for children with CLDD is to understand the profile of the learning difficulty associated with each child's condition. Following this, you should deploy effective and supportive teaching and learning strategies.

The Schools Network's CLDD briefing packs cover ten areas of complex needs and will help you to support, develop and engage each child.

Access The Schools Network, Complex Learning Difficulties and Disabilities website. Read three of the briefing packs that are of particular interest to you.
Each pack is written at three levels, each of which is tiered to your professional learning.

Think about how you could use these packs to promote, guide and support collaboration.


Building supportive learning pathways

The Inquiry Framework for Learning is an educational practice framework. It is designed to support educators in exploring and developing personalised learning pathways and transdisciplinary team working. It also encourages multidisciplinary involvement.

The framework is structured around 12 areas of inquiry with guided questions for investigation.


Access The Schools Network, Complex Learning Difficulties and Disabilities website and read and explore the Inquiry Framework for Learning.

In what ways might this approach foster a ‘culture of Inquiry’ in your school?