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Personalising learning
Boys in class

Children with CLDD may not easily engage in learning. Active engagement in learning is seen on a continuum from fully engaged to not engaged, as follows:

  • No focus/no engagement;
  • Emerging/fleeting engagement;
  • Partly sustained engagement;
  • Mostly sustained engagement;
  • Fully sustained engagement.
Thinking about engagement

For children with disabilities, research has suggested that engaged behaviour is the single best predictor of successful learning.

Consider two children you work with. Think about their engagement in a range of activities and ask yourself the following questions:

  • Where on the engagement continuum do you feel their engagement lies for different activities?
  • What do you feel it is that makes some areas or activities more or less engaging for them?
Classroom observation
Teacher and girl in class

It is highly recommended that you video or digitally record children in the classroom so you can capture all engagement behaviours. Small movements are sometimes easy to miss. A recording allows you to go back and look again.

Ask yourself, ‘What is it about the identified area or activities that makes the child sustain engagement in them?’

At this point, recording the children will enhance your observations.