You have been studying: Emotional well-being and mental health (level A)
This module explores strategies for supporting learners' emotional wellbeing and building resilience within school.
Emotional wellbeing has an important impact on how children and young people with severe, profound and complex
learning disabilities socialise and learn. Brain scans suggest that anxiety and stress reduce the neural pathways
available for new learning. Research has shown that these children have an increased risk of requiring help with
mental health issues. This module details how to use professional support services and describes the signs and risk
factors that may alert you to a student's mental ill health. It draws distinctions between mental health problems,
disorders and illness, and explains the preventative strategies for supporting learners' emotional wellbeing.
The personal rewards of teaching children with SLD/PMLD/CLDD. Of interest to all.
For this progress review, we’ll ask you a series of questions to help you identify any resources within the module that you may want to revisit. These will cover the following areas:
- Emotional well-being and mental health